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High Holidays 2023

The High Holidays bring the Jewish community together to reflect on the past year and chart our personal and collective course for the year ahead. This season is a time for focus on the timeless themes of gratitude, reflection, forgiveness, and personal growth. Whether you have memorized the High Holiday liturgy or this year will be your first time celebrating, UF Hillel is excited to welcome you.

As we prepare for the High Holidays, we hope you will join the Jewish community at UF to celebrate the New Year. We will be offering a range of ways to mark this season, including Reform services led by Rabbi Jonah Zinn and student song leader Jordan "Schmidty" Schmidt, and Conservatives services led again this year by Rabbi Ben Varon and a team of students. 

UF Hillel is pleased to welcome parents, alumni, faculty, staff, community members, and other guests to celebrate the High Holidays with our student community.



Sunday, September 24: Erev Yom Kippur

Reform Kol Nidre Service: 7 pm

Conservative Kol Nidre Service: 7 pm


Monday, September 25: Yom Kippur

Conservative Morning Service: 10 am

Reform Morning Service: 10:30 am

Reflection with Rabbi Ben: 6:30 pm

Communal Neilah Concluding Service: 7:15 pm

Break the Fast: 8 pm

Support the High Holidays at UF Hillel


UF Hillel is pleased to provide all of our High Holiday meals, services, and creative programs, including our High Holiday Sweet New Year boxes FREE OF CHARGE to all students. We seek to ensure every Jewish student can enjoy a festive and meaningful holiday, regardless of their prior observance or ability to pay.

If you are in a position to do so, we invite you to make a donation today to support UF Hillel's High Holiday experience.

Your gift matters!

$36 provides Erev Rosh Hashanah dinner to ONE student.

$360 provides traditional break the fast bagels and lox to TWENTY students.


$1,800 funds HALF of our Rosh Hashanah lunch.

$6,000 is needed to cover the cost of an additional rabbi joining us in Gainesville to enhance our worship experience.

We also welcome monthly donors who support our work year round.

For questions about giving or to give by mail, please contact Jamie Zinn.

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