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Applications for all Small Group Programming

for Fall 2024 Coming Soon!

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Small Group Programming


LOC - First Year Exclusive

LOC is an opportunity created and reserved for Jewish first-year students to immerse themselves in their new Jewish home at UF Hillel. LOC is a student-led, staff-supported initiative that facilitates the beginning of enduring friendships and community, opportunities for self-discovery, and a leadership-focused environment. 


​Participants will:

  • Create connections with other first-year students

  • Meet UF Hillel’s network of leaders on campus

  • Have support and mentorship from UF Hillel staff

What Does a Session Look Like?

Jewish Learning Fellowship

The Jewish Learning Fellowship (JLF) is an 8-week experiential, conversational seminar for students looking to deepen their understanding of Judaism on their own terms. ​​​

Multiple date are options available.

Must take JLF "Life's Big Questions" to be eligible for 2.0 options

JLF "Life's Big Questions"

JLF 2.0  "Sex, Love, and Relationships"

JLF 2.0 "Home and Homeland"


Israel Leaning Fellowship

The Israel Learning Fellowship is two different 6-week educational opportunities for students to explore different aspects of Israeli culture, politics, and communities.


Deepen your understanding of meaningful past and current events and develop a personal connection to Israel. Fellows earn a stipend at the end of the program.

The Israel Learning Fellowship options will be held in person at UF Hillel.

Social Diversity Option

Antisemitism Option

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