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Fellowships, Internships, and Leadership Opportunities

Israel Learning Fellowship

 Israel Learning Fellowship (ILF) is a 6-week educational opportunity for students to explore different aspects of Israeli culture, politics, and communities.


Students in the fellowship will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of meaningful past and current events, develop a personal connection to Israel, and learn about the complicity and beauty of the Israeli society that makes it so unique. Fellows can earn a stipend at the end of the program thanks to a generous donor.

Please contact Shlomi Kahana for additional information.

Coming Soon

Jewish Learning Fellowship

The Jewish Learning Fellowship (JLF) is an 8-week experiential, conversational seminar for students looking to deepen their understanding of Judaism on their own terms.

JLF 1.0: Life's Big Questions

We’re interested in asking big questions. You know, the big stuff — like Who am I? What communities am I a part of? What is worth committing myself to, and why? And we don’t purport to have any of the big answers.

JLF 2.0: Sex, Love, and Relationships (For JLF 1.0 Alumni): 

Let's talk about sex, Jewishly. For many of us sexuality and intimacy are some of the issues that matter most but around which we receive the least guidance. We will aim to explore sexual ethics and the ever-elusive notion of intimacy in a way that honors our minds and bodies and respects our position as modern, thoughtful adults.

JLF 2.0: Home and Homeland (For JLF 1.0 Alumni):

Do you have deep, burning questions about Israel and how to relate to it as a Jewish college student? Then Israel: Home & Homeland is for you! This JLF 2.0 curriculum brings students together to ask and answer powerful questions about what it means to live life as a Jewish adult, such as: When do I feel at home? Who are my people? What does it mean to be a minority within the broader society?



Please contact Jenna Dube for additional information.

Coming Soon


LOC is an opportunity created and reserved for Jewish first-year students to immerse themselves in their new Jewish home at UF Hillel. LOC is a student-led, staff-supported initiative that facilitates the beginning of enduring friendships and community, opportunities for self-discovery, and a leadership-focused environment. 



Please contact Logan King for additional information.

Coming Soon
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